Surely in these days of quarantine you have had the need to tidy up your space. In these times we are living in, order is the key to maintain a pleasant atmosphere. A balanced environment conveys peace and well-being.
In theory it is all very nice, but the truth is that we are the laziest when it comes to tidying up. The trick is to start tidying up little by little, space by space. So let's get straight to the point. Your wardrobe. You have no excuse... We know it's hard to see all your clothes, some of them with their label, unworn or worn only once. But now is a good moment to decide what to do with it all.
According to Marie Kondo, author of the book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" where she explains step by step how to organise your home, the most important thing is to get rid of all those things that don't bring us happiness. We should only keep the things that make us happy.
A simple trick to know how to spot your favourite clothes is to look at their position in your wardrobe. Your favourite items are the ones at the front and top of the wardrobe. They are always close at hand and in sight. On the other hand, the ones you don't like so much, we find them at the back of the wardrobe, on the shelves that we don't touch much and those that are difficult to access.
Let's start with the simplest thing, empty your wardrobe, take out EVERYTHING. Leave all the clothes in sight and start separating the pieces you like and the ones you don't like. At this point the important thing is to show no mercy.
To find out which pieces deserve the honour of being in your wardrobe, you can rely on these questions taken from the book "Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste":
Is it in good condition?
We may find pieces that have a hole or a stain. If it can be repaired and the piece brings us happiness, we keep it! If not, we can make rags out of it.
Do I use it often?
Forget the "just in case" clothes. These garments take up space and resources in ou wardrobe, and don't lie to yourself... you will never wear them again.
Are their fabrics harmful to my health?
Formaldehyde, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), perfluorinated compounds and phthalates are found respectively in wrinkle-resistant garments, flame retardants, Gore-Tex (also labelled Scotchgard or Teflon) and vinyl clothing. Nylon, polyester and acrylic are also unhealthy and can cause dermatological allergies.
Do I keep it to not feeling guilty?
It doesn't matter if it's a garment you bought for a special moment that never comes (and never will, oops) or if it's a gift and you're keeping it as a compromise... These are garments that make you feel guilty every time you see them and you're not going to wear them. Easy, say goodbye!
Do I have it because society tells me I need one? Could any other piece do the same job?
Sometimes it happens, probably not to you in particular, but to your friend for sure... and we get caught up in those wonderful marketing campaigns and we end up buying pieces that are very similar to each other and have the same function. Although it is a concept that encompasses the entire wardrobe, we want to emphasize shoes. Prioritise those versatile and comfortable shoes - we don't need a specific pair of shoes for every occasion! We know, it's hard but it's time to say goodbye! We promise it will be worth it.
As we have remarked before, the important thing is to show no mercy, keeping a tidy wardrobe filled only with clothes that bring us happiness is a commitment. Another trick that will help you separate the clothes you keep from the ones you don't is to ask yourself if you would buy them again. If the answer is no... easy, this garment is out of your wardrobe.
Now that we know which clothes are the ones that really bring us happiness and we want to wear and wear again and again, it's time to put them in the wardrobe again and rethink if I really need to buy any more pieces that I need. If this is the case, click here to find a guide to buying sustainable clothes.
With the clothes that we are not going to wear anymore, we can donate them or use second-hand clothes buying and selling apps. Remember, the most sustainable clothes are the ones that already exist!
If you are interested in finding out more about how to have a simplified and sustainable wardrobe, download our step-by-step guide to achieve it, click here!